Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Digital Happenings

Our Canon PowerShot SD400 Digital Elph arrived today. Shortly after I got home, Beauty the wonder dog and I headed out to take the little camera for a test drive. Unfortunately, we're still in winter and I didn't bother to read the instructions so when it got too dark and I wanted to turn off the flash to digitally capture the Portland night I couldn't figure out how to do it. Damnit! <insert shaking fist here> But I did get some shots, which I have added to this post so you can see my dog and my neighborhood as I saw them on the 24th of January at approximately 5:30pm in the evening.

Bertie Lou's - the best breakfast joint in Sellwood. Followed by Beauty the wonder dog. A neon sign in the local liquor store because hey, who doesn't like liquor?! Spoiled Rotten - my Sunday job. A sign in the window at one pub in the area Darren has visited but I have yet to frequent, the Skybox Pub & Grill.

Darren has informed me that the first pic of Bertie Lou's is too dark to see on a regular PC. <sigh> All I can say is that the photo looks fine on a Mac. I'll eventually get my hands on Photoshop and do the necessary tweaking so those pitiful souls without fabulous Apple products can see what I do.

Note: Digital Happenings Revisited
I took a few minutes out of my work day (I was on a break!) and with just a few clicks in Photoshop was able to tease out a little more of the detail in the Bertie Lou's photo. Here's a closer version of what I saw last evening while Beauty the wonder dog patiently waited for me to take a picture of this little gem of a breakfast spot.

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