Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine's Day 2006

Our evening began after I got home from work and Darr left his office (i.e., our spare bedroom). We walked Beauty the wonder dog around the neighborhood, stopped by Piece of Cake to pick up the best chocolate cake on the planet (see pic at right), and headed home. Once the dog was settled, we hopped in Sophie and hit Wong's King for some Chinese takeout. After sitting in the drive-thru for approximately 20 minutes, to be fair they were super busy and we returned early to collect our food, we drove home and proceeded to eat and drink and be merry. Our romantic movie of choice turned out to be Bend It Like Beckham, a classic love story for all ages - Irish soccer coach meets Indian soccer player who shouldn't be playing as she's not supposed to wear shorts in public and she risks bringing shame on the family, etc. We watched the flick cuddling on the couch and retired early. :)

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