Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Communication Breakdown Burger with a Side of Fire, Please

Feeling a little restless and a tad lazy, Darr and I headed to the Fulton Pub, our local McMenamins, for dinner earlier this evening. Service was not particularly great and we were sort of getting cranky when the server (finally!) pulled up next to our booth and took our order - for Darr a Communication Breakdown Burger with fries and for me chicken strips and fries. Approximately twenty minutes later we were still waiting for our food and on our way toward annoyed when I noticed smoke escaping from the kitchen. The initial puff was followed by another puff which was followed by another puff and then a flurry of activity could be seen by the humans working the grill. When I caught the barkeep heading to the kitchen with a fire extinguisher (F.E.) I started thinking there might possibly be something like fire happening back there. This sneaking suspicion was confirmed seconds later when F.E. sounds were heard over the din of the pub. And I knew for sure there was fire when plumes of smoke started filling the restaurant and the acrid smell of the chemicals from the F.E. met my nose, which was sorely disappointed it wasn’t the happy smell of fries. Darr overheard one woman comment something like “I smell free beer,” but alas, this beautiful prediction never came to fruition. While one worker was on the phone calling whomever one calls in the case of fire, the servers were out in force advising pub patrons that there would be no warm food but salads were still available. Salad?! Yeah right. Darr and I slammed a fiver on the old table and left, our night on the town interrupted by fire.

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