Thursday, April 06, 2006

ADM: Mismatched Socks

Darr helps fold laundry sometimes and it's awesome because we tend to let the laundry pile into ginormous stacks before the whole cleaning process begins. If he didn't assist me I would be folding clothes forever. Seriously.

I'm experiencing an ADM (Appreciate Darren Moment). I just went to the closet and pulled out a pair of clean socks - my feet are freezing - and found this mismatched pair that I know he put together, which I have chosen to wear rather than locate the correct sock mates for (as my slight case of self-diagnosed OCD is screaming at me to do). In case you can't tell, the left sock has a light green color (directly to the left of the word) and the right sock has a pink color. Mismatched socks folded by your husband are cool.

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