Saturday, April 22, 2006

Her Infinite Variety: Stories of Shakespeare and the Women He Loved

Her Infinite Variety: Stories of Shakespeare and the Women He Loved earns a 2.5. (I explained my book ratings in February.) The creative liberty alone helped push this book past the standard rating of 3. Here's a snippet that I particularly enjoyed in which Shakespeare is describing a story he is working on to a lady friend.

"My prince...He does not see death as you and I do. To him it is weighted equally with life. Only another place." ...
"An undiscovered country."
"To be or not to be, as if there is almost no difference," she said.

I love it. I love it showing a scenario with Shakespeare getting inspiration for one of his most famous lines EVER from a woman in a casual conversation they have one regular day. It's beautiful.

Who are the women in Shakespeare's life? They are both real people and imagined characters - his mother, his wife, his daughters, his mistress, the queen of the fairies from A Midsummer Night's Dream, Lady Macbeth, the list continues. It has been awhile since I last read Shakespeare (2-3 years?) so it was a challenge to immediately come up with the who, what, when, where, and why info that, well let's be honest, was never really readily available - I'm not a Shakespearean scholar, but the stories are well-known even to those who last read his plays in high school (for my friends this was quite some time ago, eh?) that I was able to piece together what was happening with the barest minimum of context.

At the very least, this is a cleverly constructed and engaging book outlining the life of one of the greatest writers ever.

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