Sunday, April 23, 2006

Kayaking - Yea!

Darr and I took our Swifty 9.5s to the river for a little kayaking earlier this evening. It was perfect. As we lugged the kayaks over to the park next door to drop them in the water and shove off, we came upon the most idyllic scene - people scattered over the park grounds, kids flying kites, dogs chasing balls, families picnicking. It was almost too picturesque. Oh, I almost forgot the grandpa strolling along holding his granddaughter's hand. I mean, Christ, it was a little over the top.

The water level is a little high right now but we were able to find a small patch of land on which we could stand and get into our kayaks before heading out. Four other folks were leaving when we shoved off. There was a lot of activity on the river - kayaks, sailboats, speedboats, jet skis. Geese and ducks were aplenty and we even spotted a beaver, who slapped his tail after we passed by to let us know we were trespassing on his turf. We headed north and rowed around the floating homes on the east side before heading back. It was sort of weird because we stayed close to the shore and where we did the majority of our rowing was where, a few weeks earlier, we had been walking the dog. Overall, it was a nice way to kick off our kayaking season.

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