Tuesday, May 30, 2006

E-mail Spam

And the winner of today's Favorite E-mail Spam award goes to "Barbra Garland" who addresses the following subject in the spam e-mail she sent to me: "Shame of sex? We can change it."

Dear Barbra,
I don't know if Barbra is your real name and I don't know if that is really what you discuss in your e-mail as I'm not dumb enough to open it. It is undoubtably a piece of spam e-mail if ever there was one. So while I admit I have been feeling an inordinate amount of shame regarding my sex as of late, I'd appreciate it if you would cease sending me further e-mails of this nature. I have a tenuous hold on my femininity right now. I wouldn't want additional e-mails to persuade me that a penis of my very own was the answer to all my troubles and worries.

*Hi. I'm Sarcasm. Have we met?

Note: When I read the subject line I perceived it as if they (i.e., the spam-sending freaks) were telling me if I felt shame of my sex, they could change my sex. Darren read the subject line as if they were telling me if I felt shame about sex, they could change the shame. Turns out he was right. He got the same spam e-mail and it is for some Viagra-like medication to help with arousal. Although really, my way is funnier - peddling penises to the internet public filled with shame of their sex.