Saturday, May 06, 2006

Holy Crap It's May!

I checked out our blog, as I do from time to time, to see if Darr had made any recent posts or if we had received any comments (we love 'em so don't be shy!) and saw that another month had been added to the archives in the sidebar. Another month, folks. This year is almost half over and it still feels like just yesterday we were out snowshoeing with the Dormers. How does a fair portion of the year fly by seemingly without notice? It's crazy. I wonder if this is what the olds (i.e., old people) have always talked about. Am I now old enough to have entered the fast-paced time space continuum? Is this the one the olds have promised would roll by at astonishing speed until I approached death? 'Cause man, that least I started my Christmas shopping.

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