Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Two of my favorite companies, Apple and Nike, are joining forces to bring the world something new and exciting - shoes that track workout information and then relay that information to the iPod nano. Okay, so I don't have an iPod nano - I'm still back in the days of my pink mini iPod - but it's really cool to know this capability exists. I slap on my Nikes, plug in my soon-to-be-purchased iPod nano (perhaps Darr will let me borrow his?), hit the pavement, and wonderous things magically happen. And when I write "magically happen" I actually mean that, after purchasing the Nike+iPod Sport Kit and using it appropriately, the sensor on my shoes will measure my activity (miles, pace, etc.) and wirelessly transfer the info to the receiver on the nano. How cool is that?! The iPod becomes my very own personal trainer. And, Apple is soon going to introduce a Nike section in iTunes that will have preset music perfect for workouts. Plus, the folks at Apple have added the Power Song Activation switch, for those moments you need that one specific song to get you through a particularly challenging section of a run. What will these clever bastards think of next, eh?

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