Thursday, June 15, 2006

Welcoming Gavin Mekhi

Another member of the PLIK club gives birth! Jyla, Darr's sister and my sister-in-law, went to the hospital today for a C-section. All went smoothly and now mom, baby Gavin, and pop are all doing well. I'm amazed at the efficiency of the process. Jyla walked from her suite to the birthing room across the hall at about 3:05pm. The doctor administered a shot in her back to numb her from the waist down around 3:10. The C-section began at 3:20pm and five minutes later the baby was born. Weighing in at 7 lbs, 6 oz, with a height of 21 inches, Gavin came into the world with a fine set of vocals, as evidenced by the film Bobby shot with his camera while in the delivery room. No pics yet (I forgot my camera at home), but I will have some up shortly. Welcome to the family baby Gavin!

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