Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hollywood Video Dog Experiment #1

Darr and I have learned since becoming dog owners that German Shepherd Dogs are considered as "dangerous" as Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and Doberman Pinschers. This is sort of ridiculous as far as classifications go because all of the Rottweilers, Dobies, and German Shepherds we know are insanely loyal, cuddly, genuinely nice dogs. Certainly they are a lot less annoying than some of those small yippy bastard dogs that constantly bark and nip at your heels.

Anyway, knowing that our dog is seen by others as this beast to be feared, we thought it was sort of funny to christen Beaut with a new nickname - Killer. Occasionally we'll whip out the Killer name and watch to see the reactions of those within earshot.

So, we're in Hollywood Video tonight (we rented King Kong to kick off the holiday festivities) and Beauty the wonder dog is the picture of obedience while we're standing in line to pay for our rental. There are two prepubescent boys strolling through the game aisles who pass by and see Beaut. As they near to come in and pet her Darr says:

"Okay Killer, don't eat the humans," in a semi-serious tone that has an immediate effect on the two kids.

"Her name is Killer?" Is heard from the little one who has quickly shifted behind his taller friend and started to back away. And the taller kid in front who had his hand out now hesitates before stepping closer to pet Beaut's/Killer's head after receiving visual confirmation from us that Killer won't actually eat him.

Darr laughed the whole way home just thinking about it.

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