Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A letter I found

While cleaning the closet I came across this gem of an heirloom - a letter my grandfather wrote to my grandmother while he was in the Army. Pay special attention to the postscript.

Feb 17, 1962
Alaska, Interior

Hi Honey,
Just a few lines to let you know I'm still thinking of you and hope that this letter finds you in the best of health and that everything is ok at home.

Well, we are into our sixth day of the war games and have we been having fun. I'm with seven scouts and one other sergeant and our camp is on top of a mountain. We attack at night and sleep during the daylight (about five hours).

We attacked the supply line last night and captured four track supply trucks and crew, and removed them from the war. The only thing wrong was that we had to ski back to our camp (17mi) and move to another location (another 5mi). Boy was I tired when we finally made camp.

We have to post a sentry during the day for lookout. We break it up so that a man is out for one hour at a time.

Oh, these eskimos speak only their native language and do we have a time getting them to do things. But they are good men to be with. The work like little giants. When we move we pack all our special equipment in a plastic sled called a "ockio," and these fellows get on the front and away they go. They won't let me pull it and they call me "chief," so I go ahead and try to break trail for them and the sled. They are wearing me out because they are on my tail all the time. It doesn't make any difference what it is - uphill or down. They are as strong as bulls.

I haven't received any mail so far. They have been dropping our orders and supplies by plane and picking it up the same way. When we go to our drop zone to pick up supplies, one sergeant and three scouts go so that if they get captured, they won't get our whold squad. The drop zone is about five miles from camp so you see we have been getting in quite a bit of skiing. Tonight we are going to attack a platoon of aggressors (60th Battle Group) so things should be popping.

Well honey I have to go out now so I'll have to close. I don't know when you will get this letter as I don't know where the plane goes from here.

Oh, they are pulling us out and sending us to Greeley Monday the 19th so I'll write you more then.

I have two of my scouts sitting next to me watching me write this letter. They look at my writing and talk back and forth. I don't know what they say and I know they don't know what I'm writing.

Well honey, have to close.


P.S. About three weeks to go - hubba hubba.

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