Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Beauty and the beach

Beauty the wonder dog and I went to Cannon Beach today. Let me start off by saying that I think it should be legal to shoot every slow driver that decides to speed up when the passing lane opens up. Nothing is more irritating than being unable to pass that dillhole because he/she discovers the gas pedal every time there is a passing lane and immediately slows down once it merges and becomes one lane again. And it wasn't just me riding his ass...I was number three in line. There were seven cars behind me, all itching to go faster.

We finally arrived at the beach and Beaut got to play in the sand and waves. I was a little nervous taking her off the leash but there was no need to be. Once positioned in a people-free zone by the water with the Chuckit! and ball, Beaut was the picture of obedience. She received the usual compliments and a few new ones. Most people can't believe she is so old (approximately seven years) because she is one spry dog when a game of fetch is on. If you want to see the pics of our beach adventure, click here. One of my favorites shows a section of the beach where the sand is dry with a section of the beach where Beauty has been shaking the water off (see pic at right).

1 comment:

Noir said...

Excellent pic of Beauty. I like the way these thumbnails open up into a large photo. You're not using Blogger as the editing tool for your posts, eh? Much better than the trash blogger produces, methinks. Nice.