Wednesday, September 27, 2006

European vacation 2006

Sorry for the delay. I managed to go through the gazillion photos Darr and I took while gallivanting around Europe and finally uploaded them to our web site. If you've got seventeen hours to spare, feel free to check 'em out. For Prague, click here. For Austria, click here. For Italy, click here. In the meantime, you can enjoy photos with excerpts from my journal right here at the blog.
12 September / 8:00pm - Our luggage is MIA...We are headed to the restaurant for some pivo (beer) and a little someting to eat.

13 September / 5:17pm - Karlov Most (Charles Bridge) is a foot-traffic only bridge we took to get from the Little Quarter to Old Town. It was packed with vendors selling their wares.

15 September / 7:55pm - Our goal was to see the Dancing House by American architect Frank Gehry...and to get to this one ice cream parlor...I'm proud to say we reached both goals.

15 September 2006 / 7:55pm - We leave here for Vienna tomorrow. I will miss the dark beer. It is very good.

16 September / 12:27am - Downing three gigantic beers at dinner seemed like a good idea at the time but now appears to have been a mistake. To avoid any head-meets-toilet-for-puking scenarios, I [Christie] am now drinking copious amounts of water and have swallowed a preemptive Aleve.

16 September / 9:45pm - As it was getting dark we noticed a gorgeously lit building...with towers ablaze. We were rather bummed to find a circus tent parked right in front when we got close enough to take a picture.

17 September / 11:45pm - We had an über-touristy day in Vienna doing all those thing you expect from tourists. We walked and oogled the architecture and went through whirlwind tours of a couple of the major must-see attractions.

18 September / 8:03pm - The weather was overcast but the clouds didn't break until shortly after lunch. Salzburgians must know their weather well as they all broke out umbrellas or made their way inside. I've never seen walkways clear of people so fast. We umbrella and strolled down Getreidegasse, an old lane with cobbled streets...and wrought iron signs, including one for a McDonald's that is quite humorous to behold.

19 September / 5:00pm - Arrived in Varenna. Must sell everything and move here immediately.

20 September / 10:45am - It is clear to me that Italy is fabulous. Darr and I have seen several residences along the shore that would make most excellent homes for us, Ellie & Mabel, and Beauty the wonder dog.

20 September / 9:00 - Darr and I decided it was best to do a little handwashing of our undergarments...thus alleviating us of the need to find a laundromat...So as I write this our underwear is drying on the towel warmer rack in our hotel bathroom...I have a bug bite on my ankle. I'm hoping it's not some foreign bug that has crawled inside my flesh to multiply until it amasses a bug army large enough to attack my vital organs. That would suck.

20 September / 9:00pm - We spent the day walking around the town doing nothing in particular.

22 September / 9:10am - Conversation between me and Darr after showering:
Me: "Hey! My bug bite looks okay."
Darren: "Oh look, there's no gangrene. That's good."
We were super lazy yesterday...We ate inordinate amounts of gelato, had our first Italian pizza...and paid way too much (3 euros) for a Heineken beer.

22 September / 9:10am - We are taking the veloce Bellagio today to sightsee and shop. I have a feeling gelato is in our future as well.


Anonymous said...

Vienna - it's a pity that you've missed the good stuff in front of the City Hall. The whole summer they have an open air film festival with filmed operas, ballets, misicals etc and food from all over the world. Actually, you can rarely see the place in front of the building empty - the city stages all kinds of events there all year long. The picture that you've taken is great btw.! Please, find a home in Italy for us too :-)

Anonymous said...

oh...I forgot - I'm glad that you're back and you had a great time! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Hey! You are not allowed to have that much fun! Do you not know the rules of modern living? And dude, Heineken?....