Sunday, October 01, 2006

A shot upon entering

Darr and I attended a party over in Oregon City (thank Sharon and Richard!) and learned a great way to kick off a party - require all who enter to take an initial shot. With booze lined up on top of the kitchen cabinets and along the kitchen counter, we certainly had a fine selection to choose from. (We went with DeKuyper's Pucker Island Blue Schnapps. Yum.) I lost count after awhile, which could account for the near puking-in-the-Cooper incident on our way home. (Note to self - When you've lost count of your drinks, you've drunk too much.) I'm proud to say any vomit that was making its way up never made its way out. <insert gag reflex here> Sick.

We had a fabulous time and hope we did nothing to embarrass ourselves to the extent we are never invited back. I even made friends with our host's cats who I know only as "the lover" and "psycho cat". A weird moment came when I recognized one of the partygoers as a guy we had interviewed at my last job. Even more strange, we discovered in the midst of conversation that his wife works with Darr's best friend's dad at Tektronix. How crazy is that?! The world can feel surprisingly small sometimes.

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