Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My home workstation

My mom asked me before Christmas for an exact description of what it is that I do as a tech writer. Apparently, the apropos title doesn't provide a clear enough picture of the service I provide in this particular field. I write technical documents. At my current position, I am working on two different projects - drafting procedures for all processes performed by the employees on the floor and creating a training manual for the new application they will be starting to use later this month. The first is relatively easy. I interview a person, often shadowing the person as she/he performs the specific process I am covering, go back to my desk, draft up the documentation, capture screen shots as needed, and then send the first draft out to key persons. Eventually, I receive proofing back (sometimes having to hunt, steal, cajole, bribe, and threaten to get it), make any necessary changes, and then complete another and possibly a third round of proofing before the procedure is accepted, the appropriate signatures are gathered, and the item is posted on the intranet. This becomes difficult when you meet people reluctant to share information, which can happen for any number of reasons but typically tends to come from the notion that giving up said info will result in job loss. (Which it sometimes does so this is not a totally irrational fear.) Drafting up training docs, at least for my current project, is a little more problematic as the ways in which to complete the work have not already been figured out so I have to teach myself how to use the system and then draft up the documentation. Thankfully, the lead programmer for this project is fantastically awesome and very speedy with responses when I pepper him with questions via e-mail. And I do have the opportunity to discuss the application with the testers so if there is something I'm not quite sure how to accomplish, there is a good chance someone can at least point me in the right direction.

Today, since Storm Watch 2007 is under way, I am working from home. It is a comfortable atmosphere without the noisy distractions, mainly that one air vent on the wall that rattles constantly making me want to drive a fork into my eyeball. I have my work laptop on the table in the dining room - Darr's using my desk in his office - alongside Molly, my tea with honey, and a lovely scented candle from Henri Bendel (thanks, Megan!). Occasionally one of the cats will jump up on my lap for a quick visit.

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