Friday, May 11, 2007

Seattle store: Urban Beast

When we last traveled to Seattle to tell our friends the news, we were taken to a really cool pet store called Urban Beast. True to form, I was unable to leave without spending money, grabbing a new collar for Beauty the wonder dog (which she'll be able to wear once we get her in for some serious bathing and grooming) and a few catnip toys for the girls. The girls were all too happy to play with their new toys. Those cats sure do enjoy a good herbal brew.
Little Miss Mabelson

Ellie MacPherson has a habit of stepping on toys with her hind legs. We have no idea why she does this.


Andrew said...

I worked in a pet store for years during college and I have to say it was a pretty cool job. Glad the cats enjoyed the catnip. We always called it kittyjuana. LOL

Andrew in Alabama
The 4th Avenue Blues

Christie said...

Kittyjuana, that's great! I can't believe I haven't heard that before. Thanks for stopping by. We're always interested to know how people happen to find us. I read on your profile you're a writer - me, too! Well, I haven't been doing much creative writing lately, but I have recently joined a writers group. Got any current projects you want to tell us about? I like to hear what other writers are working on. It inspires me to think about trying to write something. :)