Monday, November 26, 2007

Choosing a guardian

Here's a sobering thought for 3am in the morning. We have to add "choose a guardian for Henry" to our to-do list and then hire an attorney to draft the papers to make it official so everything is taken care of in the event both Darr and I die unexpectedly.

Do you have kids? If so, have you done this? How does one choose a guardian? Do you go with family because, well, they're family? Do you ask a best friend? Do you select a guardian for your kid and a trustee to handle the finances?


Cathy said...

This has been on our "to-do" list for 3 years now. We have the people picked - now we just have to ask them and get a lawyer and all that good stuff.
We went with family, but only because I think Mike's sister would do a really nice job with our boys. If nobody in our family met our criteria we might have picked someone outside the family.

Christie said...

We have a couple in mind, now we just have to ask them. Here's hoping they say "yes"! Then I'll have to follow up with an explanation to the family as to why we went with said couple instead of choosing one of them. I don't imagine this will be a fun conversation.