Monday, November 19, 2007



Dr. A said...

Lil' Henry has such serious, focused looks. He must be serious about his hats.

Anonymous said...

They all look great on Henry. Gosh he is so so so cute!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think his comment with the pumpkin hat on is, "are you serious?"

How cute.

Anonymous said...

Not many guys can pull off looking so suave in so many different styles of hats. You truly have a model on your hands. Move over Brad Pitt with your stupid newspaper comes versatile Henry! By the way, everyone fell in love with Henry at the baby shower...trying to steal the thunder, I see! :-)

Elizabeth Prata said...

Henry really is a gorgeous baby! The best hat is the one at the top. What a cutie pie he is. You must just want to kiss him every minute!