Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Henry and the gDiapers

Yesterday we took the gDiapers for a trial run. Henry is still small for the starter set we bought but I had to get a look at him in those cute orange diaper covers. (Yeah, they are frickin' cute on our lil' man.) Anyway, as previously noted, the diapers were a tad too large for Henry but the inserts seemed to provide plenty of coverage and I felt confident they could hold whatever Henry expelled. So, I put the diaper on backward (with the "g" in front), realized my mistake, put the diaper on correctly (with the "g" in back), and we went about our day.

It wasn't long after our next feeding that I felt the familiar rumblings and we made our way to the changing table. After carefully opening the diaper, I removed the insert, tore it open over the toilet, letting the insides tumble into the bowl, swirled using the handy stick provided by gDiapers, and flushed. It worked like a charm. I put in a new insert and we were ready for a second go-around. This time was less successful. A small amount of unfortunate stuff managed to leak through the plastic but did not - thank Zeus - manage to get past the cover. So, the mess was contained but the cover and plastic lining had to be removed and immediately thrown into the wash.

My conclusions from gDiapers experiment #1:
I think these diapers will be great when Henry 1) is a little larger, and B. hits that poo once or twice a week stage. Also, having more than one cover and lining clean and ready to use is a must.


Cathy said...

Interseting. I did a little more testing with Liam yesterday. They worked great two times and leaked two times. poops were had in the gdiapers.
I also took a few pictures - they'll be up in a few days - maybe over the weekend???

Dr. A said...

There's a "poo once or twice a week" stage? I'd settle for once or twice a day!