Thursday, November 15, 2007

Meals on wheels

As we've recently learned, it is wonderful when people bring you food. Last week Darr's coworker's wife - who had a baby girl (their third kid, second girl) about six months ago - stopped by our place with chicken enchiladas, salad fixings, and cheesecake for dessert. Mmmm...enchiladas. It was fantastic and greatly appreciated. If you have a lil' youngster, you know what I'm talking about. It is next to impossible to find time to plan a meal, get to the store, buy the necessary ingredients, come home, put the food away, find the recipes, locate the needed pans (or clean them if they are dirty), cook dinner, set the table, serve the food, eat, put away the leftovers, load the dishwasher, clean the pans, and wipe down the counters. With Henry in tow that entire process could take me three days. And waiting three days for sustenance isn't how I roll. I need to eat. I need to eat so Henry can eat. And Darr needs to eat so he can get up to refill my water glass.

So, Amber dropped off the food and for dinner that evening we gorged ourselves like we were starving participants on Survivor. The added bonus of getting a platter of enchiladas, leftovers for days. Excellent.

I should also note that it is most excellent when people bring you cookies because cookies always taste good, particularly when they are 1) from Paradise Bakery (thank, Tan!) and B. homemade (thanks, Ann!).

Here's hoping we can pay it forward when my brother and his wife have their first kid, which could happen any day now.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Okay - I loved that! For some reason, we got a lot less meals after the second baby than the first - so enjoy this!