Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Milestones 1

Baby Henry is doing just wonderful. Smiley, happy baby. Very curious, with quite a serious look about him. (C: he's reflective; he must be sensitive; he's a sensitive artist). [Perhaps resisting being pigeonholed, he just started crying -Ed]

Anyhoo, C's been reading What to Expect the First Year, and they have a couple of milestones in there for what he's supposed to be able to do round about this time. I'm doing this from memory but I think they are: hold his head up partially when lying on his tummy; and track an object as it moves left to right about 6 inches from his face.

Little man loves his tummy time and can hold his head up nearly all the time. Just today we got him totally tracking a finger so we're very excited. Also, we see the beginning of a smile happening. He was positively beaming yesterday when Mariana and Antonia were here. And, as evidenced by photo at right, he's starting to grab. Woohoo!

We're starting to hear different sorts of sounds from the little man. Of course the furps and barts and hiccurps are ever present, but now he's started to do some cooing and other sorts of baby noises. And there is the crying and screaming. What'dya gonna do, he's a baby.



Anonymous said...

I love newborn hands - take more hands pictures! Please!
Great update...

Anonymous said...

I know I haven't commented for a while, but I've been TOTALLY enjoying getting a glimpse of Henry through your posts and I am so happy for you guys...He is one lucky little man. I can't wait to meet him person! ;-)