Sunday, November 18, 2007

Well slap us with a gold star, we made it a month

One month and approximately ten hours ago we became parents, and as luck would have it - it ain't skill - we have managed to keep lil' Henry alive thus far. We have no current plans to celebrate but I have a feeling pie will somehow be involved in honoring this great achievement. Pie and a nap. Yeah. That sounds perfect.

Henry has reached the appropriate milestones, thereby allowing us to label him "normal" with a sigh of relief and a wipe of the brow. Phew. He's in the middle of the pack. And there's still plenty of time for him to pull ahead, you know, since we have aspirations he'll become a Pulitzer Prize winning author while he cures cancer and brings about world peace from his seat in the Oval Office. No pressure.

Since sleeping patterns are usually at the forefront of questions from folks we see, I am proud to say that Henry does not sleep through the night. And, without putting too fine a point on it, my boobs wouldn't want him to. He does, however, sleep in three to four hour stretches, which gives me some opportunity to recharge, and also to watch streaming video so I can catch up on America's Next Top Model episodes Darr won't let me record using TiVo.

As near as I can tell, Henry's eating habits match those of a hobbit. He's eating at Buffet de Mom for breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, supper, and at any other time he uses baby-speak (i.e., crying) to let us know he's hungry. Thankfully, besides the normal "I'm hungry" cry, Henry came preprogrammed with a hunger snort. The two sounds combined give a clear indication that the kid is starving and must immediately be attended to. Without said snort, I'm fairly certain we'd end up staring at him as we puzzled over what might be/could be/is wrong with him and how best to solve the issue.


Cathy said...

As always - great pictures - I love that third one!
Liam has just recently started sleeping longer at night - like 10 hours between feedings. My god. My boobs were not happy for the first week or so but have, thankfully, adjusted to this new schedule.

Brian said...

Woot! Congratulations!

Leah said...

Your pictures are gorgeous! What a sweetie pie Henry is! I love the sock photo ;-)

I'll have to tell my friend, Jess, that the eating constantly isn't just her boy. She's had Pax attached to her boob the past eight weeks.

Is it true they grow so quick?

Christie said...


Any advice on how to get the boobs to not do the forceful letdown thing? My poor boy sometimes gets blasted with milk and then has to cough and sputter a bit before he can continue his meal.

Christie said...


I stopped by H.P. but you were out of town, so I'll have to drop by again soon to introduce you to the lil' man.

They do seem to grow quickly. Using our non-medical scale at home, Henry is weighing in around 8-9 pounds now. His newborn outfits are just starting to seem a little too small.

Cathy said...

Have you figured out how to express milk yourself, with no pump? If not, that's a trick you'll need to master. It involves some squeezing. If you find that your milk is "spraying all over the place", go ahead and express some into a burp cloth or something before letting Henry have a go at it. You could also pump a little before hand, but I find just expressing some manually is a lot easier and doesn't mess too much with the natural supply and demand that you want to establish.
Oh - and I've also heard that warmth increases letdown and cold decreases, but I've never used ice packs or anything to to decrease letdown.