Sunday, December 30, 2007

How 'bout a nice diamond studded cougar?

The best thing about Christmas being over? No longer having to watch those ridiculously sappy commercials where the man bestows jewelry on his lady friend in some outrageously romantic moment, like by slipping a necklace round her neck whilst she sleeps (it's undoubtedly snowing outside) or leaving it in her palm after he reaches over to squeeze her hand as they drive down the street. I hate that bring-on-the-tears marketing crap. My favorite jewelry commercial hands down is the one in which the salesman - and it's okay to call him a salesman since he is both in sales and a man - offers up this hideous piece to the potential customer and says, "How 'bout a nice diamond studded cougar?" Love it, love it, love it. And I don't want to cry after seeing this commercial, I laugh. Every time. (I tried to locate it on YouTube but was unsuccessful. The search continues.)

All this to say that Darr in a surprise Christmas move bought me a new piece for my collection. And it's perfect given that our little one has recently discovered his hands, and is learning that he has the power to grasp things with the fingers on said hands. A ruggedly delicate leather cord with five tiny square brushed sterling silver boxes, one of which has a teeny diamond on each side. If I had to describe it in two words, I'd choose hippie chic. It's lovely. AND has matching earrings. Something to note since both Valentine's Day and my birthday will inevitably cross our path in the new year.


Cathy said...

Very cool.
I was hoping for a Superhero necklace , but no luck. I'll have to post pics of my stuff soon...
(Aquaphor - made by Eucerin, "Advanced therapy for dry, cracked, or irritated skin. Ideal for babies' skin care needs. Restores smooth, healthy skin" It's kind of like vaseline. Since our winters here in the midwest get so DRY we put that stuff on the boys and I use it on myself daily. When Quinn was a baby his doctor told us about it in the hospital - she said, "use it after every bath and that super soft babyness will last for years." I love this stuff. In fact - I just lathered up both boys since tonight was Bath Night.)

Dr. A said...

This is getting meta: Double well-hydrated-thumbs up for Aquaphor. It is a mainstay at the lab where hand washing and routine ethanol submersion make skin split.

Dr. A said...

Oh, and way cool necklace. Way to go D!

Christie said...

Hey! I found a sample. With all of the diaper changes, I have the driest hands EVER. The stuff is gooey initially but after about 5-10 minutes it seems to soak in well. Thanks, ladies!

Commercial seeker said...

I remember that commercial! There was also some guy who came up to the person with some perfume, saying, "It's called Tigress", then he sprayed it and inhaled dramatically.

Do you remember what the commercial was for, or any other details about it? If so, please post here so I can track this down.