Friday, December 28, 2007

Member no. 438

I was totally bummed when I found out I missed NaBloPoMo until I learned about Blog 365. That's right. This one ain't for wussies. 365 days in a year, 365 daily posts. I figure I'll probably be okay until the fall when I start school again. Expect the last quarter of the year to have pics uploaded on the weekdays - photos count as entries - and two or three sentences up on the weekend as that's all I'll have time for when the homework hits. Although...I could always draft up my homework docs here...hmmm...a plan is forming...And I am incorrectly using many ellipses...Whatever does it all mean?

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Oh good luck! I had a hard time posting everyday in November - I'm not even going to attempt 365 days! Yicks.