Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Goal of the day

The realization has finally hit me that I am currently a stay-at-home mom. And the fact that I am fairly new in this role is reflected in my stated goal for the day, to make blueberry buckle. Just one small goal. It is, of course, not the only thing I will do today, but it is the only thing I have to finish, that I have committed to completing, that I am determined to see to the end. A seasoned SAHM veteran would know how to get the buckle done while juggling the demands of a nearly three-month old human who is rather fond of projectile vomiting. I do not.

Current stats:
blueberry buckle - cooling on wire rack
baby - down for a nap
laundry - drying
free calendar from Shutterfly - created and ordered
project for newly engaged friend - in process


Cathy said...

Sometimes the Goal of My Day when I'm at home is to shower. =)
I actually feel stuck between two worlds - that of the working mom and that of the stay at home mom - since I only work 3 days a week. My days off are filled with preschool, speech, doctor appointments, etc.
How long do you get to stay home with Henry?

Christie said...

Until August. We went and checked out a daycare facility today and it was so sad. The facility was fine but I can't imagine the day when we'll go there and have to drop off Henry. If he's a kid who cries and hold out his arms for rescue, guess who won't be getting to class on time.

Cathy said...

'til August! That's great. He'll be almost a year - not some itty bitty baby.
My guess is he'll adjust quickly...you, however, it may take some time.
I cried the whole way to work after dropping Quinn off for my first day back (and that was at Grandma's house). Then I cried again at the start of the new school year when I dropped him off at the babysitter's house. And then I cried again when I left Liam and Quinn home here with Grandma. SO yeah, it'll probably suck - and I'm not much of a crier, I swear.

VDog said...

You continually amaze me with what you're able to do/read/get done.

My my accounts, you are doing a fine, fine job.

Maybe I'm just lazy??