Thursday, January 17, 2008

It must be the socks

While there was no stated resolution made on New Year's day, I have made my lukewarm return to the treadmill. (Lukewarm seemed more fitting than triumphant given that I'm currently only running three days a week.) And while I did get new shoes and new shirts to further convince me I enjoyed running, I think it is the new socks that are really making a difference. Seriously. I love these things, with their anatomical left- and right-specific designs that offer "superior fit" and the "unique footstrike cushioning system" that "incorporates running-specific pressure maps" that provide my feet with all the comfort needed to keep on trucking.


Cathy said...

It's gotta be the socks.
Good for you for running again - only three months later!
I've never enjoyed running, but a few years back I participated in a two-day charity walk and found that there are some awesome socks out there. And the socks made all the difference with my comfy feet on that walk - they wicked away the moisture keeping my feet dry and happy and blister free! That was also the year I learned about how to buy shoes that actually fit my feet - oh what a great year that was!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of well-fitted running socks. (I jog). My favorites are the Asics running socks that look like clown fish because of their colors and the Wigwan Ultimax running socks.