Monday, February 04, 2008

6 more weeks of winter

Did y'all forget about Groundhog's Day? We didn't. It came as no surprise that Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow because Henry saw his shadow as well. In the evening, as we were finishing up a diaper change and another rousing game of let's-stare-at-these-fishies.


Dr. A said...

Look at that little guy standing up!!!

Have you tried shadow puppets? All I can do is the barking dog. Erin thinks it's a gas. Got her the fishy-mobile and is totally entranced.

Christie said...

We have not tried shadow puppets. I fear my repertoire would be as limited as it sounds yours is. :)

Who knew a $7 purchase could be so dang entertaining to the little ones, eh?