Sunday, February 10, 2008


I haven't seen my cousins on my mom's side of the family in years, decades even, so today was quite a treat as I was able to meet them for an early brunch downtown. My cousin Stephanie has a brand new baby of her own (Monsieur Cameron - born July 22nd (I hope I remembered that correctly)). But I gotta say it's a touch embarrassing to show up and say "Um, hi, uh, whatcha been doin' for the last 20 years." We had a conversation that led to my researching exactly what type of cousins Cameron and Henry are - answer, second cousins. Apparently, the type of cousin you are is linked to which grandparents/great-grandparents/etc. you share. For more info, click here. We made sure to get a picture of the two kids before heading home. Trying to get two babies to look in the same general direction at the same time can be challenging, as evidenced below.

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