Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fifth Wordless Wednesday requires a flower with atmospheric vapor condensation


Victoria said...

Look at you with your big words, Mrs. Smartypants! Nice!

So, can I get your email, because you leave awesome comments and then I can't chat back to you. And can I blog roll you b/c I lurve you and your blog, but I often feel like I'm invading your personal blog space, if ya know what I mean?
Recently, though, it seems like you're going more public, so if that's the case, I'd love to give you some linky love!!

And I don't know if you know this or not, but we are freakishly similar! ((marital) relationship, general west coastness, etc.)

Ok, I will stop stalking now.

Gabriel said...

That's a beautiful flower!

Please come visit me and check my WW post for this week: First steps.

Happy WW!

mommy3 said...

Great close up and nice garden! I would need to weed before I take any photos in my flowerbeds LOL! Thanks for stopping by my WW!

Happy WW and Happy <3's Day!