Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Go Hillary Go!

Woot! Woot! Woot!

photo courtesy of nytimes.com


Dr. A said...

It's still a nail-biter!!!

Christie said...

I know! I'm telling you, when Hillary wins, Obama should hop on that gravy train as VP. A mere eight years later and he can be sitting in the White House.

And McCain? Ugh.

Amber said...

So... do you feel good about yesterday? Those numbers just give me a headache! I like clear winners and losers much better. Can you please tell me what the *&@# a super-delegate is?

McCain scares me. But Andrew's convinced he's too old to win and he's usually right so I think we'll be fine.

Did you make that apfelstrudel? Maybe I'll just come to your place on Friday instead. :)

B. E. Busby said...

Oh boy, first a fussy day with the baby unit, now an opportunity to be horribly conflicted. The NY Times says that Obama's a Mac and Clinton's a PC. I hope this pointer works correctly:


Note that the NYT points out this isn't as positive for Obama as you might think -- young and hip is still the image of what they describe as a niche computer.

If you think your head's going to explode resolving this set of conflicting imagery, perhaps Betty can knit you a sturdy brain-case enclosure.