Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One baby, two babies

Last Sunday morning while Darr was on the slopes of Mt. Hood, I watched two, that's TWO, babies all by myself, Monsieur Henry and Miss E.B.. (Miss E.B.'s parents were running the Bridge to Bridge to Brews race.) The kids took turns acting slightly fussy at times but nobody was hurt and all was relatively calm. I even managed to get them both bundled up so we could walk to the store with Beauty the wonder dog where I picked up fixings for dinner. As a babysitter I employed O.T.O. (Operation Toy Overload, see photo below) to keep them happy.


Brian said...

Thanks, Christie!!

Dr. A said...

You are a HERO! I wish there was a picture of you, two bebes, and Beaut at the store.

Amber said...

How fun. I love how H is staring a hole through E's head in that picture!

Mr. B & Ms. A owe you big time!! :)

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

Good to know you survived! Since we have both the Baby Einestein AND the bumbo in the picture, I'm happy to see if we need you, you've been broken in ;)