clean cat box
start load of laundry
fold load of laundry
put clean laundry away
change light bulb in kitchen
wash dishes
unload clean dishes and put away
load dishwasher
make bed
pick up toys
find recipe for tonight's dinner
go to grocery store for ingredients
pump for milk to beef up our freezer supply (4.5oz - woohoo!)
stop by video store to rent movie to watch while relaxing
Henry was playing on the floor when I arrived to pick him up. When I called his name, he turned toward the sound of my voice with the HUGEST grin on his face. A grin that said, "Hey mom, thanks for remembering you have a kid 'cuz while I had a good time here today I am very happy and relieved to see you and would very much like to go home now."
Henry's day was about as busy as mine. He had two diaper changes (both wet, which unfortunately means Darr or I will be blessed with a visit from the poo fairy this evening. Ewww.), one bottle (consuming 4oz.), a couple of "sad" times (read: your baby cried), several conversations with another infant in the room, and lots of tummy time and crawling. He took no naps. No naps. And he only slept for thirty minutes or so in the car on the ride home. This baby should be butt tired but instead he seems energized. If this isn't a clear indication of early onset infant ADHD, I don't know what is. Here's hoping there is an early bedtime tonight. I'm exhausted.
Sounds like he didn't do too bad at daycare. I don't think I could relax after I dropped the kids off anywhere - too much to do - and you've got to keep busy otherwise you'd probably miss him too much.
He'll get used to napping there, it'll just take awhile.
Erm, before you point that loaded ADHD finger elsewhere, did you take a close look at your "relaxative" program? A brief movie-watching respite and the rest fairly frantic! This followed by your heartfelt mea culpa for not having read more than ca. 15% of the top 800+ book list.
Too bad KavaKava was taken off the market after some Teutonic bint with a drinking problem fried her liver. Betty swears by Chamomile tea. Me, I prefer Bulleit.
Perhaps some addition of a natural (or distilled) palliative is called for?
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