Thursday, May 01, 2008

Poor people get screwed, part 87,472,159

Sigh, so true, so true.
[Warren Buffett] bet a million dollars against any member of the Forbes 400 who challenges [him] that the average (federal tax rate including income and payroll taxes) for the Forbes 400 will be less than the average of their receptionists.

So far, no-one has taken him up on this bet.
There more in this Freakonomics blog post, including this tidbit:
It appears that the tax system favors the super-rich over working stiffs.

Uh, duh.

1 comment:

Christie said...

I'm always bitching to Darren that the poor people in this planet get screwed and he's always changing the subject because he's tired of my incessant whining on the subject. (Usually he hits back with a "no one said 'life is fair'" comment, which chaps my hide even further.)