Tuesday, July 01, 2008

How do you say it?

The word: CRAYON

Christie: Cran

Darren: Cray-on


Darren said...

Christie found the one site on the net that agrees with her. Must be true!!!!


Christie said...


We shall let the voices of our readers decide!

B. E. Busby said...

Worse, the snippet I heard sounded like George W saying it.

That said, I say cray-on, but usually bend the on to sound a bit more like un, giving "cray-uhn" unless I'm very tired, in which case the southern roots (now dyed left-coast color) come out and it becomes "cray-yawn."

(I have been know to slip and say things like HO-tell and PO-lease).

Christie said...

I say it with a long, drawn out syllable that makes it nearly 1.5 syllables long.

Brian said...

It's totally cray'-on. People who say otherwise are cray'-zee.

betty said...


Amy said...

I say cran-but I'm a mid-west girl. You should poll how people say Oregon...


Darren said...

Well, "awr-i-guhn" is pretty close, although to me it's more like "or-uh-gun". Never or-ah-gone. yikes!

Audio here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Oregon