Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Photo Shoot Story

A couple of days ago my mom told me we were going to meet Jan for a photo shoot. I was kind of cranky. I like Jan but, um, what's a photo shoot?
When we got there, I thought I'd get the heck out of Dodge so I scampered away as soon as my mom set me down.
Then she caught me. And darn it if Jan wasn't there to take pictures of the capture.Jamison Square Park is pretty cool but what's with the big orange structure? It's so orange it's kind of scary.I made a beeline for the water. Mom thought I would stop when I hit the water but I kept on going. Jan got wet shoes trying to follow me.Since it was sort of cold out we walked down to Henny Penny to get new clothes. My trip into the fountain would have left me chilled to the bone but mom had put me in legwarmers so I didn't mind it too much.
If you haven't been to Henny Penny lately, I must say their hangers taste fabulous. Plus, I got me a super cool outfit with dragons on the pants while I was there.Then I realized I should be trying to get Jan's super cool camera.
Before I knew it, we were almost done. We might have finished sooner if my nose hadn't been running like a leaky faucet.The final shots featured me in the hat my grandma made me last year. It still fits but I didn't want to wear it because sometimes I don't want to cooperate.


Dr. A said...

New occupation: hanger taster.

M. Henry, looks like you were kind of grumpy. Too bad, it looks like lots of fun playing in a park and getting new duds. Then again, dragon pants make everything better, don't they?

Amber said...

How come my pictures never look like that???

Christie said...

Ms. A,
He was grumpy but we still got a few worth ordering, which is all I care about. I love Jan's photography.

If I had to guess I'd say that years of experience, better equipment, and skill with photo editing software might have something to do with it. At least, these are a few of the reasons I think her shots are far superior to my own. Next year I'm upgrading. I'm hoping Jan will help me select some new gear.