Sunday, October 12, 2008

They go up, they go down

Prior two months = severe neutropenia
Monday, Oct. 6 = approx. 100
Thursday, Oct. 9 = approx. 2600 / Henry's fever spikes and he has visible signs of a cold
Sunday, Oct. 12 = approx. 1600 / Henry's fever breaks

So, if we understand this correctly, Henry's neutrophils jumped into production when he got sick but now that he's getting better they seem to be returning to their pre-sickness low levels. Wtf?


Dr. A said...

1600 is still a good level though, no?

I agree with, (was it Andrew?) that maybe his system is just waaaaay more efficient than ours.

Christie said...

1600 is still a good number but the rapid decrease has us all thinking he's heading back to his pre-sick low levels. Ugh.

Lori said...

Don't we produce more white cells when we need to fight a cold or other bugs? I guess it's a good thing that his body responded correctly even if it turned around and fled afterward. Ugh, the silver lining is sometimes hard to find...

Christie said...

I believe that is correct. The worry stems from not knowing why his levels are low to begin with. But we are quite happy that his body responded the way that it did. Perplexed (as are his doctors) but happy.