I got invited to a soup swap tonight. Can I just say what a spectacular idea this is? Several people agree to make big ol' batches of soup, divvy them up into containers, and meet at one house to exchange. When you get home you have several types of soup to fill up your freezer. For tonight's swap, I made a current favorite of mine, fennel soup. The batches were so big I've got two dinners worth that I get to keep. Yay leftovers! The soups I got from the swap include vegetarian black bean, split pea, butternut squash, creamy leek, and Middle Eastern chickpea. Yum! Many thanks to
Rachele for the invite. I'm thinking I may have to host a stew swap when we start burning through these meals and some space in the freezer opens up.
Mmm fennel soup. Mmmm
Everyone was really impressed with the packaging of your soup! And we put all of ours in the freezer except for the fennel, which we will have this week! Jay ADORES fennel.
Brilliant. One can never have enough soup this time of year.
oooh, what a great idea!!!!
I have your fennel soup in the freezer! Can't wait to try it.
What a great idea!
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