Sunday, December 28, 2008

Slumber Lodge Hotel

At about three o'clock in the morning we stopped at a small town called Hope to catch some sleep and wait for the morning to attempt the pass. The name was apropos for the hotel. I certainly hoped we would survive the night there. If you've ever seen the movie Vacancy, you know what type of room we were in. It was clean and sparse but sort of had that eerie feeling. Plus, it was freezing when we got in so we had to quickly jump into bed and try to warm it up so Henry could keep on sleeping. On a side note, the drive-at-night-so-the-baby-can-sleep method worked better than expected. Henry woke up when we stopped for gas but went back to sleep without too much fuss. Downtown Canada is a winter wonderland right now. Really beautiful but not that fun to drive in. In a bold move, Darr and I left our laptops at home so we are unable to post any pictures and updates will be random, although I am determined, having come this far, to stay the course and finish the year with a blog post for every day. But before leaving Portland we did update our website with pics from our Christmas (and Halloween, that's how behind I am). You can see them by clicking here.

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