Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Valkyrie and roasted meat

Woohoo! Darr watched Henry for a bit this afternoon so I could go with his dad and cousins to catch Valkyrie. I'll admit to being a Tom Cruise fan in the past but his recent antics (i.e., couch jumping and pretending to be a doctor qualified to assess the treatment of others (Brooke Shields)) have hurt his likability factor. So I didn't go to the movie with high expectations but I left thinking it wasn't half bad. A telling of an unsuccessful attempt to oust Hitler from power from within.

While away from the house, Darr also managed to get the roast in the oven for the French dips au jus we offered to make for the family. It takes a lot of roasted meat to feed a baker's dozen worth of people. I am in awe of Darr's aunt who does large meals like this all the time. She's so awesome, she even had two pies ready to go in the oven for dessert. Pie is good, folks.

Our previously held belief that there are no naps in Canada appears to be wrong as Henry Finn did take a nap today. This nap, we now believe, completely screwed up his schedule because he would not quit this evening. The poor kid was exhausted when he finally hit the sack around 10p.m. There were visual signs of exhaustion around 8p.m. (To give you an idea of how long the wind down process took. Ugh.) Thankfully, Henry wasn't an upset kid wanting to stay up but rather an engaging and happy boy. He bounces off the people here like a pinball machine, carrying whatever toy he digs out from the toy box to whoever first crosses his path. A new favorite game of his includes throwing items over the gate and down the stairs. Also, it should be noted that he has overcome his initial fear of stepping on the white tiles in the kitchen and near the front door. It was his first idiosyncratic showing. Seriously, he'd throw the ball and it would roll onto the white tile. He'd walked right up to the edge and then point and say "Bah!" over and over and over. He would not cross over onto the white tile to retrieve the item himself. At least not until today. Henry 1, White tiles 0.


Dr. A said...

I'd love to see a photo of all that meat. Mmmmm... What were the pies?

Henry is a dashing adventurer, for sure. Glad to hear you all are having a good time.

Darren said...

We posted an OK shot of the meat over at hullabaloo. It doesn't look like much, but that is four chuck roasts from Costco. Even with 13 people there was a small bit of left over.

We give our wet roasts a quick fry to get some "fond" working for the jus; took an hour just to do that step. Then 4 hours in the oven, then a rest, then a boil-down and flavoring of the stock and then we get to eat.

After all of that we had one Rhubarb and one Peach pie. Yum! One piece of each left over.

That was one hungry crowd.
