Thursday, February 26, 2009

Grace in small things, part three, four, and five

Here's a catching up post. Lest you think I exhausted my supply of grace in small things already.

Part three:
1. Clean sheets (not as good as line-dried sheets in the summer but still pretty good)
2. Our subscription to Cook's Illustrated (I'm not a cook but I'm learning)
3. A sturdy vacuum (necessary with our cats and dog)
4. Photos
5. My treadmill (it's a love-hate relationship)
6. A comfy pair of workout shoes
7. See's chocolates

Part Four:
1. Costco (keeps me in deodorant and toothpaste)
2. Laptop
3. Meals you can cook in one pan
4. My OHSU water bottle (a gift from our time there when Henry was born)
5. Music
6. OPB and NPR (keeps me informed)
7. Child safety electrical outlet covers (so my little one doesn't shock himself)

Part Five:
1. Rental movies from iTunes (don't even have to leave the house)
2. Rainy days ('cuz they make the flowers bloom)
3. Noises from Henry (particularly his firetruck rendition)
4. MicroMate reader (for easy transfer of photos from camera to computer)
5. Beer (
6. Dinners at the table with Henry
7. Our one piece of real art we have in our bedroom (it's an interesting piece)


Amber said...

I beg to differ on part 3, number 2 (the part about you not being a cook). And I couldn't agree more on part 4, number 4 (I love my Providence water bottle). Must have something to do with how hard we worked to earn those darned things!!

Abcdpdx said...

I LOVE my OHSU water bottle!!!!!