Sunday, March 22, 2009


We bought a Flip! We bought a Flip! This magical wonder is teeny tiny and as lightweight as a cotton ball. Also, we grabbed it at Costco for about $30 less than the online price. Score! The packaging is reminiscent of an Apple product, which only brings it closer to my heart. Simple and beautiful. Did I mention it films in high-def? And it couldn't be easier to use. I took Flip out of the box on the way home from shopping and shot our first video in the car within seconds. To ensure there weren't any compatibility issues we uploaded the video to my computer when we got home. The only hitch in that process is that you have to import the video, it doesn't automatically open in iMovie. I'm not even irritated enough by this to complain. Now, I just have to figure out a way to keep Henry's grabby little fingers from snagging it. 

High Definition from Christie Glynn on Vimeo.


Amber said...

Another beauty of the flip though, is that even if his grabby hands get a hold of it, what's really the harm? And it makes for some cute videos. We got one for Cayden for Christmas last year and it's great for kids. I'm convinced it's pretty indestructible. We've considered getting another one for us since we borrow his so much.

Dr. A said...

Awesome! We got one of these for my bro & sis-in-law for x-mas. Sounds like you found a good deal... maybe B needs an early birthday present.

Christie said...

Did I mention the Flip sold at Costco comes with a tiny little tripod? Bonus.