Monday, June 15, 2009

One more reason I'm glad not to live in New Jersey

And now, in the You've Got to be F---ing Kidding Me category, you are abusing your child if you habitually use "profane, indecent or obscene language" while a child is in your custody. Really? Really? So what is the definition of habitual? Using a curse word in every sentence or seven times in a one-hour period? And who gets to decide what is profane, indecent or obscene? You? Me? The conservative Christian fundamentalist who lives on a commune in a small farming community one town over? I can't even figure out what the intent of this part of the statute is? Is it to clean up American lingo? Will it stand up to constitutional scrutiny? Is it the use of the curse words alone or the context in which the curse words are used? Would yelling "Ouch, that fucking hurt!" when I stub my toe get me in trouble? Right now, I'm thankful I don't live in New Jersey.


Darren said...

Fuckin-a, dude.

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

What if, as has been happening recently in my house, I say "YOU'RE F-IN kidding me?" Because I'm implying the F word does that make me subject to the rule? Oi vey....and Fuckin right on to Darren's badass comment.

Amber said...

I must thank Darren for clarifying a point that I've been confused about for ages now: whether the proper phrase was "fuckin-a" or "fuck an a." I've asked each of the kids about it several times but none of them were too sure either. Hmmm.

Amber said...

Just to ease everyone's undying curiosity, Avery and I just looked it up and it turns out both "fuckin-a" and "fuck an a" are legitimate urban dictionary entries. Who wouldda guessed?

Darren said...

I suppose I should have said "Fuckin-eh", eh?