Saturday, July 11, 2009

Becoming Dr. A

Dude, it's viral now. Ms. A completed her thesis defense today and henceforth is to be referred to as Dr. A. Many thanks to Ms. A over at The Wagners Five for watching Monsieur Henry for a few hours so I could attend the first one-hour talk. Ashleigh appeared calm and confident when we all entered the lecture hall and she fielded the questions from the audience at the end with aplomb. What an amazing accomplishment, Doc. We're all so very proud.


Amber said...

Yay for Dr. A! I can't quite wrap my brain around how she must feel today. Probably still a bit overwhelmed with the week ahead. :) And Henry is welcome here any time. Seriously, he was easy-peasy.

Dr. A said...

Awww.... you guys are making me blush.

And I didn't even think to change my name here - i didn't even change my name when I got married.

Thank you so much, Christie, for coming. Thank you so much, Amber, for watching Henry so Christie could come.

Christie said...

I didn't change my name, either. Too much paperwork involved. Although you can bet I'll be adding that "Esquire" to my name once I pass the bar.

Amber said...

Actually, I was very surprised how little paperwork there was involved to change my name. I pretty much just told people and that was all. I don't believe there's any paperwork to change your Blogger name though. :)