Sunday, October 04, 2009

PDX Food Cart Review: Parkers Waffles & Coffee

For our second food cart experience we met at Parkers Waffles & Coffee in the PSU area. It was a hit amongst all adults and toddlers. My favorite part of perusing the menu, the side of meat that you can order. Not defined meat. Just meat. (We got chopped bacon. Mmmm...bacon.) Monsieur Henry and I stayed on the sweet side for our waffle choice, opting for the superbly tasty lemon and blueberry waffle. (Since they were out of blueberries we had strawberries but I don't believe this negatively impacted the dish.) My takeaway from this, a dollop of lemon curd does wonders to your waffle. Parkers does have a bevy of sweet and savory waffle options and you can order various sides to complement your waffle meal. Pros include the great taste, cheap prices, and quick service. Oh, and that it opens earlier than other carts. This is a big plus if you have a toddler who typically naps between 11 a.m. and noon. Cons include the lack of parking. After all dishes were served we made our way across the street to the fountain on the other side of two buildings. Fountains are entertaining for little youngsters but slightly scary for their parents. Luckily no fishing of tots out of the fountain was necessary. Of course there were pictures...
Avery checking out the specials.

Obligatory 'Henry in front of food cart' shot

"And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!"

Miss Josie drinking in style.

Play hard.
To be a tot means burning energy. Chocolate milk, it's a great choice after playing in fountains, with proteins to help build muscles and a unique mix of nutrients to refuel so you can play again when you get up from your nap. That is, of course, if you take naps, which I don't always do. Try it, chocolate milk is yummy.*

And there was video captured...

Parkers Waffles & Coffee from Christie Glynn on Vimeo.

*My spin on the Milk Mustache ad campaign.


Elizabeth Prata said...

hmmm, lemon with blueberry waffles, that sounds fantastic. When you go to a cart, do you bundle up and eat outside? Are there tables around?

Christie said...

Who knew a waffle could be so tasty?! We have been bundling up and braving the elements. It is a bit nippy but since the sun is still out and the ground is dry, we've done all right. I've seen a couple carts with one small table and chairs but nothing large enough for our group size. With the way our youngsters like to run around, it works best if we can find some space for them to play around in while eating.

VDog said...

OH EM GEE!!!! Lookit Msr. Henry!!!!!


How did these boys get SO. Dang. BIG?!?!???