Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Julia Child, take 9 - Choux de Bruxelles Étvués au Beurre

Brussels* sprouts! This recipe was easy to make and tasted all right but I prefer my brussels sprouts recipe with bacon. That's no real surprise given bacon's ability to make all things taste better. After nine recipes I'm beginning to think I'm not all that into French cooking. Things taste okay to good. The recipes are straight forward. But I haven't been wowed by anything yet. I do like all of her side notes and recommended complementary dishes, along with her suggested wine pairings so I'll continue to explore this cuisine. I'm keeping in mind, of course, that my results could vary drastically from the way the recipe intends, and that the mediocrity of the dishes might have more to do with me than with Julia's recipes.

*Just learned these are brussels sprouts, not brussel sprouts, as I've called them all my life. I feel a little wiser now.


Megan said...

I've always struggled with whether to capitalize Brussels sprouts. Give you opted not to do it, I decided to specifically look it up. Either option is correct, however, I will now be not capitalizing it in an effort to "popularize" the word.

Christie said...

I didn't even think of that. It seems as if capitalizing the word links it to the location in which they are grown (Belgium and the Netherlands). I didn't add the "s" at the end. They were brussel sprouts. It's all crazy. For me, though, this is one of my favorite green vegetables. Right up there - seriously, I'm not being sarcastic - with spinach and zucchini. Mmmm...

Amber said...

I never had a clue they were B/brussels sprouts until Megan posted about them the other day. I looked it up and... sure enough. Who knew?

Dr. A said...

Yeah, after 8 of her recipes, I'm at about the same point. I know I can follow a darned recipe. So either there's too much left to interpretation or I'm just meh about her style.

Now if we're talking Ina Garten, its a whole nother story.

Rachele said...

I did not know they were (B/b)russels sprouts either, until just now.

Abcdpdx said...

my sister-in-law's friend from Costa Rica announced that she made "those cute little cabbages" for Thanksgiving this year.

Abcdpdx said...

I love brussels sprouts roasted in bacon fat!

B. E. Busby said...

Ues, truly EVERYTHING is better with bacon:


Christie said...

Wow. It looks and smells like bacon. That's impressive.

B. E. Busby said...

Wow -- I did not know that you could get religious artifacts like this -- imagine what archeologists will think of our society in da footure...
