You are 853 days old today! But that's not the only number we've encountered lately, and that other number is far more exciting - Magic 7800! Not only do you have a few extra neutrophils roaming around your bloodstream, you're swimming in 'em! Your bone marrow has gone into neutrophil-producing overdrive. All I can say as your parent is WOOT! and possibly Take that, mutha &#^#@! But of course I cannot say that because you repeat things, quite frequently and usually when I think you haven't been paying attention. (This explains while a recent incident of mama's road upsetness had you saying "Get off road, dick," from the backseat. Whoops.) Alas, I still find it humorous when you repeat something you shouldn't. I do not set a good example, don't follow it. Anyway, the end result of your abundant neutrophil supply is that Doc canceled your bone marrow test. THANK ZEUS, Bean, because that needle is not friendly to anyone and the thought of it being drilled into your little toddler bone, it's just too much.

You are speaking in more complicated sentences and you add 'es' endings to plural words. For example, 'dinosaurs' becomes 'dinosaurses'. But none of this is as hilariously impressive as listening to you critique the size of your poo. Quite often I'll hear "It's big, mama," or "It's a baby poop." The latter is usually heard only if there happens to be two floaties of varying sizes in the bowl. You initiate putting your toys away - awesome! - and are quite proficient at completing your puzzles. You like to close and open doors and are industrious when it comes to coloring outside the lines. We've had a few scattered days of no cry drop-offs at daycare and you're eating more. Berries continue to be a favorite, you really enjoyed the berries that topped the pavlova (and, of course, the actual pavlova), but you wouldn't eat your brussel sprouts. I'm hoping it was just the preparation method and that you'll come back around the next time we make 'em with bacon.

Sleep eludes us at the condo. You rarely go to bed at a reasonable hour. When you do, you're up at 4:30A.M. When you don't, and it's 10P.M. or later when you finally wind down enough to sleep, we have to wake you around 7:30A.M. You often resist being put into your pajamas but you love the Boing! Boing! game we play once the p.j.s are on. The higher the boing, the better. There is beach ball madness in our house nearly every night. It's the perfect indoor ball to throw around because if it hits something, it's too light and fluffy to break it. Good thing, too, it normally hits everything while it's being bandied about. Let's face it, prohibiting ball throwing in this condo is not an option. 

And finally, you adore the cats, Mabel in particular but that's probably mostly because Ellie bolts when she sees you approaching. Not only does Mabel accompany you to bed nearly every night, she'll stay still when you come up to touch noses with her. But, word to the wise, it's never a good idea to enthusiastically and somewhat frantically wave your arms up and down in front of a creature with claws. Just sayin'. Because you like it so much, I'll end this one with a ... ROAR!
I almost spit out my coffee at Henry's comment in the car. And so glad he's healthy and full of neutrophils.
That third picture down - of Henry jumping off the concrete thingy - wow! Avery, at her current age, wouldn't even think of attempting to jump off something that high. I'm very impressed!
As always, an excellent letter and accompanying photos. You make me feel like a bad mommy-blogger, but that's what friend are for, right? ;)
This is excellent excellent news about his neutrophils. Oh, I am so glad he doesn't have to take the marrow test with that awful needle! I want you to now that I pray for your family every night. We can put God next to Zeus, can't we? ;)
Ditto what Megan said. I love that picture though, so perhaps I will push Josie off of something that high and snap a picture real fast? Nah, guess not.
he looks like a little man in the last photo! que bueno!
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