Sunday, February 28, 2010

New body?

"Error: press shutter release button again"

So says the camera. Darr hopped online and there are a few options for fixing it. If those don't work we're on our way to a new camera body.


Cathy said...

uh oh.

Amber said...

On the one hand, I'm super sorry (especially if you're not able to get pics on your trip) and on the other hand, I'm totally freaking jealous. Do you already what you'd want if you do need to replace it?

Christie said...

At least we're here with 14 other family members, many of whom have digital cameras so we won't miss Hen's daily shots. (Darr's uncle is actually loaning us his - awesome.) I enjoy the thought of getting the D700 but Darr's probably most comfortable with replacing this body with another of the same. Assuming we can still find 'em. The first two attempts at self-fixing the camera have not been successful. Drat. Looks like the little guy will need to be shipped to Nikon. We had a pretty good run with it, though. I think our total picture count is somewhere between 25K and 30K.