Nope, not on top of pie. It's a meringue-based dessert called pavlova. Yum! The sugary sweetness is balanced with a tart plain yogurt whipped into unsweetened heavy cream and drizzled with lemon curd (the drizzling occurs after the addition of fruit - in this instance strawberries and kiwis). The outer crust is crisp, the inner part has a consistency lighter than marshmallow cream. I had hoped to make this for the ladies (Amber, Megan and Jen, Caroline) who came over today with their youngsters for some Valentine's Day cookie decorating and card making. Alas, I was short several of the ingredients and did not have time to make the base this morning before they arrived. (Recipe calls for baking the meringue for one hour and then letting it remain in the cooling oven for an additional three to four hours.) Here's a pic of the finished product. It's a new condo favorite.

*** DROOL! ****
Meringue is strange that way, with the low, slow cooking. Looks so tasty!
I think that might be the prettiest thing I have ever seen. Ever.
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