Monday, April 19, 2010

An update on spying

I posted a little comment about this back in February and now that the investigation is on lots o' details are coming out about cameras that were placed in laptops loaned to students. First, I love that they use the word "allegedly" in the title of the article because, well, pictures have been found, which seems to knock any mere allegations right out of the park. Anyway, I wonder what they are going to do if they start finding inappropriate shots of the students they spied on - like kids undressing.

Consider for a moment that you have a laptop that sits on a desk in your home and you often leave that laptop open because that's what you do with laptops sometimes. Now think of someone remotely turning on the camera and viewing whatever private thing you are doing in your room, taking snapshots of your activities, and then sharing those pictures with others. A few of the IT staff members have been placed on administrative leave. I know I'm only reading part of the story but I imagine the school district - that has claimed all along that the cameras were only activated when the computer was thought to be lost or stolen - is going to pay a lot for this mistake. And rightly so.

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